Nanoseal Water Proofing Chemical

Nano seal Water Proofing Chemical

Nanoseal Waterproofing chemical is a water based fast curing Nano concentrate with 45% to 50% active nano particles. The unique superior formulation based on metal oxides, used for imparting a colorless water repellent surface finish to porous mineral / construction material / stone surfaces without significantly reducing water vapor permeability. Nanoseal Waterproofing chemical forms an excellent weather coat for all types of cement and stone surfaces. It provides water repellence within 8 hour of application. The water repellence further improves over 48 hours after application.

Nanoseal Waterproofing chemical by its name indicates a nano technology based water repellent. Unlike various film of coating, Nanoseal Waterproofing chemical does not seal the pores at the surface of concrete. Instead, it penetrates into the pores and forms a very thin (nano) layer on the pore walls. These pores no longer will be wetted by water and the capillary uptake of water is prevented upto 95%.

On the surface treated with Nanoseal Waterproofing chemical, the drop of water is repelled and stands in the form of bead and does not penetrate inside. The size of Nanoseal Waterproofing chemical is 4 – 6 nm (0.005 micron) Whereas the pores on the mineral surface may vary from 5 – 200 nm. When the building materials come into contact with water, they absorb an amount of water which depends upon the porosity, resulting in penetration of water through the wall, cracks caused by swelling and shrinkage, destruction of concrete caused by corrosion of reinforced steel, lime leaching, chemical corrosion, binder transformation, etc.,

Nano seal Water Proofing Chemical